Welcome to Kimbo's Blog!

Welcome to Kimbo's Blog!

Kimbo was founded in 1958 and is based in Long Branch, NJ. Kimbo Educational's award-winning line of over 350 CDs and several DVDs address children's needs for exercise, learning basic concepts and skills, and abundant opportunities to enjoy play and fun. At the Kimbo download site customers can purchase our music in MP3 format and enjoy their music instantly!

Please enjoy our blog and come back often. We love questions and comments as well!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Kimbo Cares About Kids

During this Holiday season, the Kimble Family and their Staff want to reinforce their wish for the continued well-being of all children and their families.

May your Holidays and traditions be meaningful and filled with the true gifts of the season. 
Our wish for 2013 is for a year of peace, love, hope, and healing.
www.kimboed.com              Kimbo…The Children’s Music Company

Friday, December 7, 2012

Happy Hanukkah

Wishing everyone that is celebrating Hanukkah this weekend a wonderful start to the festivities. To get things started, here is a free download of The Dreidel Song, from our HANUKKAH & CHINESE NEW YEAR CD...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Imagine, the first Thanksgiving celebration in the colonies lasted 3 days!  Today in America we celebrate Thanksgiving on the 4th Thursday in November. 

Thanksgiving has a long history.  President George Washington made a day of thanks.  President Abraham Lincoln issued a Federal proclamation in 1863 making Thanksgiving an annual Holiday, and Federal Legislation was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1941, marking the last Thursday of November, and later the 4th Thursday of November, as a fixed date for the National Holiday.

Long ago in 1621, the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe prompted by a good harvest, shared a meal of roasted meat, cranberries, corn and shellfish.  They played games and sang songs.  Today we still gather to share a feast of food with our family and friends.  The games are different though – today many people turn on their TV and watch football!  The early settlers gave thanks for their bountiful harvest, and they gave thanks for the rain after a long 2-month drought.  They gave thanks for their gifts, as we do today.

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite Holidays.  I have always savored the thought of the traditional foods and the abundance on our tables and in our lives.  I love celebrating with loved ones and going around the table sharing our gratitude for all we have and for each other; it fills my heart with goodness and warmth.  Not everyone has enough though, and each year I am reminded how fortunate I am to be able to share our bounty with those in need.

When you think of Thanksgiving do you see pumpkins, or Pilgrims, or a cornucopia filled with fruits, flowers, and vegetables, or fruit pies, or an annual Thanksgiving Day parade?  What are you grateful for?

Best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone from the Kimble Family and their employees.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Veterans Day is a Federal Holiday observed in the United States on November 11 th every year.

We celebrate the dedication and loyalty of our Armed Service Veterans; they protect our freedom. These men and women are our heroes.

Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day because that day commemorated the end of World War One. It occurred on the 11 th hour of the 11 th day of the 11 th month. WWI was thought to be the end of all wars when the Armistice was declared, but unfortunately more wars were to follow. So the name was changed to Veterans Day to honor our service people, both living and dead.

Thank you to all our Veterans. We appreciate your sacrifice more than you will ever know.

How will you celebrate Veterans Day? I went to a parade in my City, and waved a little American flag. It was very moving, and I was so proud of everyone who marched and rode in the floats. A High School marching band carried a really huge American flag stretched out between many young people. They waved it back and forth to the patriotic music of our armed forces. It was beautiful.

Later in our Veterans Park, I saw a painting of a young man handing a folded flag to an older person who was receiving it in memory of her fallen son, and I saw a photograph of the word, HERO, with the scars of a Viet Nam Veteran superimposed inside the letters. My husband bears the scars that were used in the photograph.

Encourage your children to make a flag, write a thank you note, read a story, send a care package, and show gratitude to those who serve our country.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Power is back on and we are open...

Kimbo's electricity has been restored! We are open and processing orders. Thank you for your patience during this difficult time. 

Our continued thoughts, prayers and hope go out to everyone affected by hurricane Sandy.


Kimble Family and Staff

Monday, November 5, 2012

Dear Friends,

The devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy was unprecedented. Our local area of Central New Jersey was hit harder than I can recall. Many of our friends are dealing with the loss of their homes & businesses. Fortunately, Kimbo's headquarters were spared by this terrible storm. With that said, we continue to deal with electrical outages and are hoping to be up-and-running sometime this week. 

On behalf of Kimbo, our warmest thoughts, prayers and hope go out to everyone affected by this tragedy. There is a long road to recovery, but I am confident in our ability to rebuild and get back on track. Thank you all for your patience as we will announce when we are fully operational. 

Kind Regards, 

Jim Kimble 

Saturday, November 3, 2012


This weekend Daylight Saving Time is being observed on November 4 at 2:00 a.m.  Not every state or territory observes this tradition first mentioned by Ben Franklin and first implemented during the first World War. 
Although not required by Federal Law, if a state or territory does observe Daylight Saving Time, the date has to be uniform.
The original idea was to save daylight hours.  While there is some controversy about the effectiveness, most states do participate.
I always loved "falling behind" and gaining an hour. It felt like a gift.  I find "springing ahead" in March, and losing an hour, more difficult to adjust to.  What I do appreciate most all the time, however, is the reminder to change your smoke detector batteries on these dates. 
Here is a list of the dates that Daylight Saving Time will be observed over the next few years:
2013:  March 10 - November 3
2014:  March 9  - November 2
2015:  March 8 -  November 1 
So, change your smoke detector batteries - it's the safe thing to do.  Run backwards or do a backward somersault or do a handspring forward. Teach a child about time - time to learn, play, exercise, eat right, sleep. 
If you are in Arizona or Hawaii, Puerto Rico and some territories, you won't be changing your clock.  If your state follows Daylight Savings Time though, don't forget, as I have, and go somewhere too early!
Kimbo's Telling Time Tunes is a great resource to help children learn about time with clever, fun songs such as "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow", "Minute Hand and Hour Hand", "60 Seconds/60 Minutes", "5-10-15-20".  You can listen to short music clips of these songs and more on www.kimboed.com

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Halloween from Kimbo

Boo!  Halloween is coming, along with dressing up in costumes, reading scary stories, picking pumpkins, making and putting up colorful decorations, and getting lots of treats and goodies. 

Here’s Kimbo’s musical treat for you - a free song download from our Halloween Fun CD, titled, “Are You Ready for Halloween”, a song that stresses being careful and safe while having fun. 

On October 31st, watch for little ghosts and goblins as you drive in neighborhoods, and when your doorbell rings, play some favorite Halloween-theme music and scary sounds from Kimbo for extra fun.

CD Price: $15.95
CD Download Price: $15.00
Looking for the perfect CD for Halloween? "Halloween Fun" will delight your children, and you will appreciate the high quality. Includes songs, poems and not-so-scary sounds. Songs encourage safety too! Guide with lyrics included.
Song List
1. Scary, Scary Halloween
2. Are You Ready For Halloween?
3. The Pumpkin Patch Polka
4. Theme From
5. The Monster Rap
6. Ghostbusters Theme
7. Halloween Poems
8. The Monster Mash
9. We Don't Want A Monster In Our House
10. Tonight Is Halloween
11. Halloween Party
12. Halloween Sound Effects
13. The Halloween Song

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Veggie Power Activity Tip

“Veggie Power”, an exercise routine for whole body fitness, can be found on two best-selling products from Kimbo...

Smart Fitness, Smart Foods CD, by RONNO and Liz Jones-Twomey, is a best-selling CD that offers Brain-Based Fitness & Healthy Nutrition. This exciting, multi-purpose CD addresses both the need to provide easily accessible opportunities for necessary exercise, and important nutritional facts to encourage children to understand how to eat properly. For ages 4 to 9.

The Smart Fitness Workout DVD, by RONNO & Liz Jones-Twomey, is a multi-award winning DVD to help children thrive with daily physical workouts.  The entertaining DVD features kids demonstrating brain-based, guided movements that will stimulate whole-brain integration for better learning.  Also shown are segments that show how these fitness exercises can be used with children who have special needs. A special section features the 'rationale' for the actions, and includes information about games to teach about healthy nutrition.

Daily exercise is a must for children to build healthier bodies and stimulate brain development. These intentionally designed movements can help kids gain the important benefits of increased fitness and greater learning power.

Please click here for a downloadable PDF of this informative activity tip, and also click here to listen to a sample of "Veggie Power".
Veggie Power:
Specific “Brain-Based” Movement Benefits

Part of the Smart Fitness Workout
by RONNO and Liz J-T
[Feet shoulder width apart/Bend those knees/And bounce up and down….Jump, jump, jump] Homologous Movement Pattern
Involves symmetrical movement of both feet and hands at the same time. It supports and stimulates development of the limbic system (emotions, relationships, organization). ¹
[Up on your toes….down on your heels…toes up/March on those heels] Elongating the calf muscle by lengthening and shortening it activates the brain stem and helps with focus. ²
[Feet flat, march on the spot/Knees high] Contralateral Movement Pattern
[Jump, jump, jump, Veggie Power!] Jumping is an important skill. Children need to learn to bounce first, then push off with both feet, knees bent, to propel themselves upwards. ¹
[Jumping jacks] Homologous Movement Pattern
Jumping jacks involve symmetrical movement of arms and legs, helping develop a sense of the upper and lower halves of the body.
[Jogging on the spot/ Feet wide apart…/Feet back together] Contralateral Movement Pattern
Jogging with feel wide apart and then back together develops body awareness through varying movements and changing speed.
[Arms out in front, bend arms in towards your chest/Roll one arm over the other] Contralateral Movement Pattern
Here is a simple movement sequence involving the cross-lateral movement of rolling the arms in a variety of different spaces (i.e., in front of the body, over the head, down the side, and down to the toes).
[Hop on one foot/Hop forward/…hop back/…hope on the spot with eyes closed] Homologous Movement Pattern
Hopping is a fundamental movement skill. Hopping on one foot allows the body to learn to shift weight and to balance.
[…climb up a really tall ladder/Reach high with your arms] Contralateral Movement Pattern
Here are movements involving the coordination and working-together of limbs. They allow children the opportunity to imagine and explore, while orienting their bodies in different spaces.
[…arms out to your side/…spin around in little circles….spin the other way/…wiggle your arms up and down] Spinning is a natural movement for children. When the body moves, the brain records that information and forms its own understanding of what it feels like to be in and out of balance. The brain is craving these kinds of movements in order to stimulate the Vestibular System (eye-ear connection) and establish its sense of balance. ³
[Touch opposite hand to opposite ankle] Contralateral Movement Pattern
[Reach your hands way up….And start jumping] Homologous Movement Pattern
As children listen and move to music, millions of brain neurons are firing and connecting with other neurons. What a terrific way to build a healthy brain and body!
¹ Carol Anne Erickson, Movement Exploration Series, 2005
² Paul Dennison and Gail Dennison, Brain Gym® Teacher’s Edition, 2010
³ Carla Hannaford, Smart Moves: Why Learning is Not All in Your Head, 1995

© 2012 Ronno Song Support

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

11 Years Ago…..

9-11-2001 America suffered a terrible tragedy.  We will always grieve this horrifying day of losses.  We will remember those whose lives were ended and those who suffered.   We will always thank the heroes who worked so tirelessly.

Today is a day for reflection, a day for a moment of silence, a day for a time of prayer or quiet thoughts.
May We Always Remember….May We Never Forget. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Happy Labor Day

When I was growing up Labor Day was considered the end of summer.  We closed the lazy, hazy days with picnics and family gatherings.  We were told it was not correct to wear white shoes or dresses after Labor Day, and the biggest change was that school began the very next day.  Out came our new Fall clothing, we covered our books with brown paper bags, and we prepared for the long structured school days ahead.  What began as a Federal Holiday in 1894 to recognize the economic and social contributions of workers soon became a day to celebrate the transition to back to school.  We reunited with class mates who had been away, planned after-school activities, and attended football and basketball games.  It was all good.

Today, in many parts of the country, back-to-school begins earlier than Labor Day -and white is worn all year long if we want to!  It’s different, but yet the same.   We still enjoy Labor Day with friends and family, vacations come to a close, and school time is back in full swing and once again the focus of family life.  It has its own sense of excitement and purpose.  Choosing our school supplies and meeting our new teachers is a time charged with excitement. 

 Stores feature backpacks and school supplies from pencils to calculators and computers, and some even offer free haircuts!  Colorful and unique book covers decorate the aisles, but we may not even use print the same way; books and lessons plans may be electronic.  Different, but the same, we still have the goal of educating our children, and helping them to grow and to thrive. 

Kimbo CDs and DVDs are not seasonal, they meet your needs all year long, but back-to-school is exciting for Kimbo too!We know that curriculum-based products such as “Moving to Math” and “Science Songs”, and “Rockin’ Reading Readiness”promote learning through music and movement, and will be especially in demand. Also, kids will need more structured physical activity to refresh their brains – there’s less time to play and move around.Bean Bag Boogie”, “Rockin’ Aerobics” and“Dancin’ Feet Fever” will get students up and moving and better able to learn.

From summertime to back-to-school, Kimbo has 100’s of CDs for every purpose. From “Car Songs” to “Shakin’the Chute”, Kimbo has it all, whether you purchase a download or a physical CD. Shop the Kimbo web site, www.kimboed.com for Back-to-School, and enjoy the Labor Day Holiday on Monday, September 3rd.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Here’s a “heads up” on two upcoming CDs you will definitely want to know about. They are coming soon!

Kimbo has a purpose in mind for all of their new releases.  We choose new productions because of their value to your children and their value as a useful resource.  We are excited about these CDs and we had to share the news with you right away. 

Dancin’ Feet Fever is exciting!  The music and dances will motivate your kids to get up and move in ways that will work their muscles, improve coordination, and add joy to their days.   How do you get your kids away from the computer and the TV?  How do you refresh them and jump start their brains again?  If they love the music and songs they hear, and the dance steps are easy and fun, your kids will not only be willing, they will want to do something good for themselves.  The guide offers easy choreography for children 5 and up, but little ones will enjoy just moving to the beat and feeling the rhythms.  This is one of our all-time favorite collections.  Share the party, get fit together, play the music and do some dancing!

Choreographed guide by fitness and dance instructor, LeAnn Haggard.

Song Titles:
1.  Get The Party Started
2.  Cupid Shuffle
3.  Cotton-Eye Joe
4.  Cha Cha Slide
5.  Techno Matrix
6.  Born This Way
7.  Cleveland Shuffle
8.  Latin Mambo
9.  Boot Scootin' Boogie
10. Monster Mash
11. Latin Mambo (Instr)
12. Techno Matrix (Instr)
13. Cotton-Eye Joe (Instr)
Go Green!  This means so much more today.  Recycling will always be important.  However, going green is also about caring about our Earth because we have been inspired by our connection to the earth.  We need to get outdoors and enjoy nature, plant a garden, play outside, fly a kite, feel the wind, touch the earth, hike some trails, wander through woods.  We want to become conservators of the earth, learn about it, appreciate it, and preserve it.  Studies are showing that the benefits for each of us will be personally meaningful and healthy, and the benefits to our Earth will be outstanding.

The extended guide, by Dr. Pam Schiller, includes lyrics, activities and literature links.  The songs are fun and reflect current thinking about going green.
Song Titles:
1.  Go Green
2.  Play Outside
3.  Get Yourself Movin' Around
4.  The Wind
5.  My Kite
6.  I'm Gonna Plant A Garden
7.  My Chance To Dance
8.  Cultivate, Germinate, Irrigate, Relocate
9.  I Can Care
10. Reduce It! Or Reuse It! Or Recycle It!
11. What Can I Do About Pollution?
12. My Brother, The Whale
13. It's Everyone's World
Both CDs can be found on the Kimbo web site:  kimboed.com, and will be available in September. 
kimboed.com   /   kimboeddownloads.com

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

2012 Olympics

I just listened to our Olympic female gymnastic team members being interviewed after winning the gold medal.  It was very interesting that many of these awesome young women said they were motivated to become serious gymnasts by watching the 2004 Olympics.  In fact, they watched the taped events over and over again, memorizing the moves and practicing them.  It made me wonder about determination and strength of mind and body.  At just 8 years of age or so, these young girls decided right then that they would one day be performing and competing in front of the world.  Why did they choose to work so hard, give up the usual ordinary pursuits, and consistently push themselves to new levels? They always showed up.  They are athletes who are extraordinarily motivated, fit and fine- tuned. 

Children begin early in life by playing.  Later they are introduced to more structured exercise, and hopefully this becomes a way of life.  Maybe they like to play a sport, dance, do yoga, work out, and yes, they may even want to compete.  It begins with play, but with guidance and perseverance, fitness becomes a healthy habit.  Only a few will become world champions, but we are all winners if we get up and move.  Congratulations to all of the athletes at the 2012 Summer Olympics!  I wish I could be in London to cheer them all on.  Instead I am glued to the TV, along with 8 year olds who will dream about one day marching with their team on opening day at a future Olympics event.
In my opinion everyone participating is a winner, medal or not.  By the way, I am so proud of the USA team members, every one of them, just for working so hard, for so long.  They are not only athletes, they support and encourage one another and share goals and ideals.

Let’s begin small.  Give the gift of movement to our little ones and they will grow in active children and later, adults.  Kimbo specializes in music and movement, from Diaper Gym to Dancin’ Feet Fever, from Leaping Literacy to Rockin’ Aerobics.  Kimbo has hundreds of motivating CDs that are really fun, but whose purpose is to help kids get up and grow.  Top educators and fitness experts write valuable activities that will help children to develop their motor skills and strengthen their bodies.  Healthy habits….happier kids….Kimbo.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Music Makes the Miles Move Merrily Along!

“On the Road Again”, “Let’s Go Riding in the Car-Car”, and “This Land is My Land” are just three of the songs we love to sing to help make the miles pass more quickly.   Taking a long road trip is a favorite vacation pastime.  Our country is so beautiful with an abundance of natural wonders, historic sites, and interesting, fun stops along the way.

Summertime is a special opportunity to go, see, and do.  My family, including the grand dog, just drove 1000’s of miles up and down their whole coast, again, so they could visit more well-known places they had previously only read about.  It’s always an adventure for them and an educational experience.    The kids learn to read guide books and maps and help choose where they will stop and stay.  They have already traveled through most of our states and visited many of our national treasures.  After the trip they can apply their newly acquired knowledge and extend their experiences in a myriad of ways.
“Are we there yet” is just not in their vocabulary -- thank goodness.  They sing together, read, watch movies, talk, and have the thrill of experiencing each new place their car takes them to.
Kimbo CDs and DVDs add to the success of any trip.  Sing along to songs from Car Songs, FavoriteSongs for Kids, Songs About America, and take stretch breaks with fitness CDs such as Cool Aerobics for Kids and Feel the Beat.  Relax and unwind at night with Yoga for Kids or Yoga and You, and then you will have Sweet Dreams knowing you have made lifelong memories while you were “On the Road Again”.
Favorite Songs for Kids CD

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Coloring Contest Winner!

Congratulations, Austin, [age 8] from ABC Great Beginnings! Great job and happy Fourth of July! Enjoy your download of Kimbo's Patriotic Songs & Marches CD.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Independence Day

In honor of the 4th of July, Kimbo is offering a free download of America the Beautiful from its famous Patriotic Songs & Marches CD. Click here for your FREE song... http://www.kimboed.com/FreeDownloadSong/17AmericaTheBeautiful.mp3

Monday, June 25, 2012

Congratulations Graduates!

Whether your child is graduating from preschool, high school, or college, it is a special time for everyone.  The day marks the end of an era and the beginning of the next stage of their life.  It was always an emotional day for me.  I felt proud of my child, in awe of how much they had accomplished, a little anxious about what was ahead, moved by the pageantry of the ceremony, and excited about all the festivities that marked their accomplishment.  I even reflected on the majesty of my own graduation many years ago.

Music is almost always a part of the graduation ceremony.  Patriotic Songs & Marches offers the traditional and majestic, Pomp and Circumstance, a song often used for the very moving procession at commencement.  For little ones, the ‘Graduation Day’ song, from Learning Time Tunes is perfect and meaningful.  Use these CDs at home or school, they will add to the wonder of the day.

Congratulations to all grads and their families from the Kimble Family!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Heat is On - Don’t Wait ‘Til You Are Thirsty!

It’s the good old summertime, and most of us are feeling the heat.  Every year I experience headaches and other heat-related symptoms because I forget that I need to drink more when the thermometer soars.  

Kids are no exception.  How much fluids they should drink will depend on their weight, age, and their activity level; especially when they perspire.  A general rule for all of us is to drink before you get thirsty.  Drink before you exercise.  Check with your doctors for specific guidelines for your child.  

Taking in fluids is important at any time, but it’s essential in hot weather.  Bringing along a water bottle can be refreshing and invaluable whenever you go out.  To help increase fluids and encourage kids to drink more, water is important, but you can also offer milk, soups, shakes, and frozen fruit cubes.  Fruits and vegetables also help increase fluid levels to maintain good health – and they taste good too! 

RONNO’s song, Mission Nutrition, from the Smart Fitness, Smart Foods CD, offers the following excellent advice in a fun way that kids will relate to:

Fluid Intake:

Water, milk and juice
Water is a super fuel
It’s the drink we choose
When we’re feeling tired
When we’re feeling hot
Our bodies need hydration
We need to drink a lot!

Fuel up to feel well, and have a healthy and fun summer.

p.s.  Remember to keep your furry family safe and hydrated too!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

It’s Dad’s Special Day!

Our best wishes to all you Dads from Kimbo.  Your love and guidance is so important to the children in your life.

Kimbo Founder, Bob Kimble, left a legacy of love, including his 2 sons, 5 grandkids, and 1 great grandchild.  Bob cherished his family, and devoted his life to them and to the children’s music company he and his wife, Gert, developed and nurtured.  He will always be remembered.

The Kimble Family wishes an extra- special, Happy Father’s Day, to all new dads.  It’s a wondrous time of caring for your new child and developing a strong relationship.  A little music and some activities designed just for them will add fun to your time together.  It will also help baby’s motor development while strengthening your new bond.

CDs for babies include these popular titles...

Diaper Gym, play “Cuddle Up a Little Closer” and “Wiggles and Giggles” from this Parents’ Choice Award winner.

Baby Games, share pint-size movement activities from “Baby Cheer” and “Toe to Ear Stretch”.
Baby Face, won’t you be the proud Dad when you sing, “Yes, Sir, That’s My Baby” and discover your baby’s excitement when you play “Peek-a-Boo”, a much loved traditional game.

These CDs are filled with unique songs that your new little ones will love.  Kimbo also offers lullabies and musical resources for your toddlers, preschoolers and school age children.

Make memories with Kimbo.  Happy Father’s Day!