Welcome to Kimbo's Blog!

Welcome to Kimbo's Blog!

Kimbo was founded in 1958 and is based in Long Branch, NJ. Kimbo Educational's award-winning line of over 350 CDs and several DVDs address children's needs for exercise, learning basic concepts and skills, and abundant opportunities to enjoy play and fun. At the Kimbo download site customers can purchase our music in MP3 format and enjoy their music instantly!

Please enjoy our blog and come back often. We love questions and comments as well!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Award Winners!

I love anything that says it has won an award.  It makes the product just a little more special, and I think, okay, I must have it!  Musical award winners let a person know what they can’t see or hear because the package is sealed.  So, yes, I like an award.  What makes an award-winning CD or DVD anyway?  The product is usually unique, valuable and serves a purpose.  Plus -- and this is important -- it has to be fun and child-friendly.  Kimbo makes sure that all the important ingredients go into their productions, which is why so many of their products have won important awards such as Parents Choice and Dr. Toy. 

Here are some ideas for CDs that have met the award-winning criteria.  Kimbo has lots to choose from. Do you want to share favorite songs such as” Down on Grandpa’s Farm”? – try the popular Five Little Monkeys CD.  How about literacy skills?  Kids can learn from songs such as “Alphabet Rock” on the CD, Rockin’ ReadingReadiness.  Let’s make a date to celebrate America and learn history through songs such as the” ABC States Song” or “Erie Canal, from Songs About America.  Babies have their very own fitness/activity CDs; they will wiggle and giggle and love playing, “Peek-A-Boo, from Diaper Gym.  Oh, and who knew that simple, sequential movements could help children integrate left and right brain hemispheres for more successful learning?  Energize your kids with Catch a Brain Wave Fitness Fun to stimulate brain development.  The music is upbeat, the songs catchy – well, it’s really the total essential package!

Effective learning, exciting fun, awards galore!  That’s Kimbo.  Find 100’s of award-winning titles on their web site at www.kimboed.com.

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